Potable Water Tank Inspection
Oil and Gas
Eliminate Rope Access / Scaffold towers and the risk of working at height and confined space entry.
No disruption to asset, no preparation of tank, followed by super chlorination, inspections completed in 2 days compared to tank out of action for 3 weeks.
Data acquisition of internal structure of potable water tanks. Recording UHD footage and HD imagery. All plates, longitudinals and welds captured during ROV CVI then reported as per requirements of DNV Class.
Full inspection of the potable water tanks using an ROV. All data collected and submitted into inspection reports for review and actions. Tanks are not required to be emptied and cleaned prior to inspection allowing quick, efficient ROV data acquisition. This allowed for inspection within a confined space with minimal disruption to asset and zero-man entry into confined space.
Conventional Access | Air Control Entech |
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