Gryphon Flare Inspection
Oil and Gas
Minimal risk to involved personnel eliminating working at height.
2 Days with 2 Man Robotics Team vs 5 Days with 3 Man Rope Access Team.
Full close visual and general visual inspection of the FPSO flare tip, structure and auxiliaries to identify any anomalies and areas of concern.
Robotic inspection technologies were mobilized along side a Robotics Technician to perform the inspection. The ACE-A-M300 with the iXM Phase One 100MP P3 camera payload was utilized to produce high quality data without the need to shutdown the flare (and therefore the entire FPSO) and prevent personnel working at height to perform the inspection using traditional methods.
A platform OIE from Oceaneering was utilized as the payload operator to remove the need to mobilise a 2nd man and to lead the inspection. Quality and assurance were increased as a result.
Conventional Access | Air Control Entech |
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