Internal Tank Inspections
Offshore FPSO
Oil and Gas
Removal of Personnel from Working at Height
Less time and people required
ACE were contracted by an Oil and Gas operator to perform internal tank inspections on board one of their Floating Production and Storage and Offloading (FPSO) Vessel in the North Sea. The client was looking for a better and safer way of inspecting multiple tanks on board the asset whilst conforming to class requirements.
By mobilizing a suite of robotic inspection equipment ACE were able to deploy multiple technologies to cater for a suite of requirements. ROVs were utilized inside ballast water tanks to avoid the need to drain, isolate, ventilate and enter the tank whilst still obtaining a full visual and NDT inspection as required by class societies.
An Elios 2 was also utilized by the same technician to inspect the Cargo Oil Tanks once emptied to safely and quickly provide visual inspection data to the client without the need to work at height. A 2 man team was able to inspect the full tank in 1 day resulting in huge direct and indirect savings to the client.
Due to the success of the project an ACE technician is now part of the operator's inspection team and works on rotation on board the assets to provide robotic solutions across a number of assets.
Conventional Access | Air Control Entech |
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