We go beyond the average inspection.
It's why we're ACE.
Land, Sea & Air Specialist Services.
It's why we're ACE.
At the forefront of the industry.
It's why we're ACE.
Internal & external, visual & NDT; Air Control Entech can provide drone inspections to cover all bases.
Eliminate confined space entry by utilising the latest and greatest technologies available today! Crawlers, Drones and ROVs for all inspection needs.
Detection & quantification of fugitive gasses and emissions using the latest off the shelf and bespoke technologies in conformance to OGMP 2.0.
Inspecting floating assets requires an extra level of inspection. ACE hold RIT certification with 5 class societies ensuring compliance with class requirements.
This bespoke service means ACE are on hand 365 days per year to launch a drone, ROV or crawler as and when required.
Our mission to remove people from dangerous environments for inspection using robotics doesn’t stop topside.
We are consistently pushing forward, developing new answers to make inspection safer, smarter and quicker. So if you have a unique problem, we devise a unique answer.
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